The Finnish agricultural support system is more complicated than others in the EU. The findings are contained in a fresh study compiled by special investigator Kaj Suomela. The report claims that the Finnish agricultural support and monitoring system is more bureaucratic and heavily regulated than others in the EU. Finland's handbook offering guidance on agricultural subsidies is 150 pages long, while the Danish version numbers just 78 pages. Finland is also lagging behind other EU countries in usage of electronic application forms.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Harbour Workers Strike as UPM Switches Ports
Forest products company UPM-Kymmene plans to relocate its marine operations from the Hamina harbour to Kotka port. The company says the new arrangement will take effect from the beginning of next year, and is designed to ensure cost effectiveness, among other things. UPM based its port operations in Hamina in 2006, but was not satisfied with traffic flow at the facility
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Finland: Dangerous Car Chase in Helsinki City Centre
A dangerous car chase in the centre of Helsinki early in the afternoon on Boxing Day put the lives of bystanders at risk. Police have also been kept busy with domestic calls and cases of drink driving. A car pursued by police drove threw red lights and in the on-coming traffic lane. The journey of the white Toyota came to the end beneath the steps of the Kampi shopping mall.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Slower Economic Growth Forecast For Finland
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Finnish Electricity Prices Continue to Rise
The cost of electricity for domestic use is on the rise. Nearly all of Finland's largest electric companies have either increased prices or will increase prices early next year. For example, two of the largest energy companies Fortum and Helsingin Energia have already increased rates. Energy suppliers Vattenfall and Savon Voima are also among those companies which plan to raise prices next year. Rates will jump anywhere from six percent to twenty percent.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Doctor Shortage Worsens at Finnish Public Health Centres
The shortage of doctors at Finland's public health centres is getting worse. The Finnish Medical Association calculates that about 10 percent of posts at the health centres are vacant. In October, more than 350 public health doctors' posts were vacant. Last year all doctors' positions were filled in half of Finland's health centres. Now only 42 percent of the clinics have such a good staffing situation. The situation is worst in small municipal health centres. In those with fewer than six doctors' posts, one position in four is vacant.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Finnish Winter Darkness Depresses Many
Nearly half of Finns suffer from the seemingly enduring darkness of the winter period. In an article in the Swedish-language daily Hufvudstadsbladet, National Public Health Institute Researcher Timo Partonen said that 40 percent of over 30-year olds suffer from symptoms such as fatigue and a craving for sweets during the winter.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Finland Falls Short in Helping Human Trafficking Victims
Finland often fails to identify victims of human trafficking, according to a steering group from the Ministry of Labour. Hundreds of human trafficking victims are estimated to pass through Finland annually. But for many victims, Finland is the final destination.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Finland: Salmonella Found in Tainted Water Patients
As many as 15,000 people may have been exposed to stomach infections following the contamination of drinking water in the town of Nokia last weekend. Latest samples from patients reveal the presence of both salmonella and kambylo bacteria, reports the National Public Health Institute.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Water Contaminated: Scores Seek Treatment in Nokia Finland
Human error at the Nokia Waste Water Treatment Plant has seen scores of residents coming down with severe stomach ailments. The authorities are distributing drinking water and disinfecting the water supply in an effort to restore normalcy.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Finnish Retail Chains Admit to Selling Products Made with Child Labour
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Longer Queues For Hospital Care in Finland
Waiting periods for receiving hospital treatment have been growing longer. In many areas, the situation has worsened over the past year. Waiting lists for surgical procedures have lengthened significantly since last spring. Although delays in receiving care began stretching well before a threatened nurses' strike, the labour dispute did have an impact. Numerous wards were shut down in anticipation of a strike, further throwing off schedules and slowing down care services.
Educated Employees in Finland Earn Less Than EU Average
Friday, November 23, 2007
Finnish Hockey Player Karalahti to Stay Behind Bars
Finnish ice hockey player Jere Karalahti will remain behind bars on drug charges, Espoo District Court decided on Friday. The court also placed a prohibition of transfer on Karalahti's property.
Karalahti has been remanded in custody for the past two weeks on suspicion of aggravated drug offences.
Karalahti has been remanded in custody for the past two weeks on suspicion of aggravated drug offences.
Finnish Amusement Parks Suffer Safety Flaws
Safety and risk assessment at Finland's amusement parks and funfairs have room for improvement, according to a study by the Finnish Consumer Agency and local and provincial governments. Several accidents occurred at amusement parks and travelling carnivals last summer. According to the report, amusement parks and travelling carnivals often fall short in preparation to deal with accidents.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Finns Eat Healthily but Gain Weight
One in Four Finnish Municipalities Raise Taxes
Monday, November 19, 2007
Helsinki Police Arrest Romanian Beggars
Police in Helsinki recently conducted a search in a van that at least some of the Romanians who have been begging on the city's streets have used as a place to sleep. The search yielded a number of stolen mobile telephones, cameras, music players, and at least one GPS car navigator. Petri Juvonen of the Helsinki police say that some of the goods were wrapped in paper and taped beneath the ceiling panels of the vehicles. Police arrested four Romanian citizens, three of whom were later remanded in custody by Helsinki District Court on suspicion of theft.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Finnish State to Appeal in Rusi Damages Case

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Finland's Alko Workers Launch Three-Day Strike
A strike by workers of the state-alcohol retailer Alko is expected to close most outlets over the weekend. Queues formed on Thursday outside those stores kept open by managerial staffNegotiations on pay and working conditions to head off the three-day strike ran aground Wednesday night, paving the way for the strike.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Finnish Patient Airlifts Continue Due to Nurse Walkout
The first Finnish patients requiring critical care have been taken in by Sweden's Uppsala University Hospital. The first two sent abroad to ensure care during a possible nurses' mass resignation next week are two expectant mothers. Further patient flights may be delayed because of heavy snowstorms in Sweden.Planes are being chartered to fly some patients from Finnish hospitals to hospitals in Stockholm, Uppsala and Bonn.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Finnish Nurses Union Announces More Resignations

Monday, November 12, 2007
Finnish Air-Rage Incident Forces Finnair Plane to Return
A Finnair flight with almost 300 people on board was forced to return to Helsinki Vantaa airport late on Sunday following an air-rage incident involving two Finnish male passengers. The two men attacked the cabin purser and behaved violently towards other passengers. Flight AY905, en route to Bangkok, had been in the air for about half an hour before the captain decided to return to Helsinki. It re-departed later on Sunday evening.
Finnish Friendly-Fire Incident Comes Before the District Court
On Monday morning, the Helsinki District Court began a hearing of the events surrounding a friendly-fire incident involving Finnish peacekeepers in Afghanistan last October.
Finnish Police Arrest Youth After YouTube Massacre Threat
Finnish police have detained a teenage boy who allegedly posted a video on YouTube threatening a massacre similar to the one that occurred last week at a high school in Finland.
The 16-year-old was arrested on Friday in Maaninka, some 400 kilometres (250 miles) north of Helsinki, and questioned the following day, a police spokesman said. Authorities also seized his computer.
The 16-year-old was arrested on Friday in Maaninka, some 400 kilometres (250 miles) north of Helsinki, and questioned the following day, a police spokesman said. Authorities also seized his computer.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Finnish Hockey Player Karalahti Remanded on Drug Charges
Finnish professional ice hockey player Jere Karalahti of the Oulu team Kärpät has been remanded in custody on suspicion of a serious drug crime. Karalahti was arrested earlier this month. Police in Espoo suspect Karalahti of involvement in cocaine and amphetamines.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Swedish Professor: Finns Traditionally More Brutal
"Finns are traditionally more brutal", declared the headline in the large Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter on its web page on October 13th. DN was delving into youth violence, which has been a hot topic of debate recently, interviewing Jerzy Sarneck, Professor of Criminology at the University of Stockholm. He told a generally acknowledged truth - that violence statistics are traditionally more grim in Finland than in Sweden. Sarneck says that the Civil War led to the "brutalisation" of Finnish society, and that violence has been passed down as a legacy from one generation to another.
Finland: Vague Threats Cause Anxiety in Schools
Pupils fled the Kirkkoharju middle school in the Kirkkonummi city centre Friday morning, following information that a threat against the school had been published online. Students fled the building once they heard there had been a threat of actions similar to those in the Jokela school shooting. The school's principal Maarit Rossi says students were informed in class of the threat against their school.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Finnish Tragedy Sees Eight Finns Murdered in School
An 18-year-old student shot eight people dead at a school in Tuusula, southern Finland on Wednesday. According to Eero Hirvensalo, chief doctor at the Töölö Hospital in Helsinki, several others were injured. The gunman, 18-year old Pekka-Eric Auvinen, succumbed to a self-inflicted bullet wound late Wednesday evening.The victims included the school's principal and the school nurse, as well as five male students and one female student.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Finnish Novel Runs Afoul of Syrian Religious Officials
World Cup Slalom Races Moved from Finland to Austria
The Alpine skiing events scheduled to be held in Levi in Finnish Lapland over the coming weekend have been transferred to Reiteralm in Austria, because of a lack of snow. Although falling temperatures in the area have made it possible to produce artificial snow, the situation was not satisfactory from the point of view of the International Ski Federation (FIS).
Alcohol Main Cause of Death for Working Age Finns
Alcohol-related diseases or poisonings are the most common causes of death among Finns of working age. Alcohol has been killing more Finnish men than coronary heart disease for the past two years. Last year 1,300 Finnish men died of causes related to drinking.Last year alcohol caused the deaths of 354 women, constituting a doubling of the death rate in two decades.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Finnish Exports Growth Rate Decelerates in August
In August, Finland's trade surplus narrowed to 407 million euros from the year-ago 443 million.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Finland Down to 6th on WEF Competitiveness List
Finland slipped from 2nd to 6th in this year's World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report.
Among the considerations that will have hurt the Finnish ranking this time around are the aggregate tax burden and ancillary labour costs, where Finland comes well below the top ten and in the middle of the pack or lower.
Finland is singled out negatively for the rigidity and restrictive nature of its labour markets, for instance in a lack of flexibility on wages.
Among the considerations that will have hurt the Finnish ranking this time around are the aggregate tax burden and ancillary labour costs, where Finland comes well below the top ten and in the middle of the pack or lower.
Finland is singled out negatively for the rigidity and restrictive nature of its labour markets, for instance in a lack of flexibility on wages.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Farewell to Finnish Subsidies?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Finnish Police Set to Investigate Director-General of the Finnish Maritime Administration
The City of Helsinki has asked police to investigate allegations that the Director-General of the Finnish Maritime Administration as well as certain other maritime office holders and employees have been renting a Nauticat 33 vessel at a peppercorn rate from Alfons Håkans Oy, the largest towage, rescue, and heavy transport company in Finland.
Finnish State Alko Workers on Strike From November 15

On Tuesday, the action was confirmed when the umbrella union for the employees in the alcohol, gaming, insurance and financial services trade, Suora, granted permission to strike and strike support to the Professional Association of Alcohol Trades. The strike warning was delivered to the Conciliator General on Tuesday.
Finnish Consumers Expect Rising Prices
Monday, October 29, 2007
Two Finnish Parliamentarians Convicted in Separate Court Cases
The Tampere District Court on Friday sentenced National Coalition Party MP Kimmo Sasi to 70 day fines in a case involving a fatal crash in March in which he was the driver. With Sasi's monthly income of slightly more than EUR 9,000, the income-linked fine amounts to EUR 6,160. Meanwhile, another National Coalition Party MP, Petri Salo, was found guilty of slander by the Vaasa Court of Appeals.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Finnish Figures for Losses Caused by Shoplifting Among Highest in Europe

Walkouts After Stora Enso Announces 1,100 Job Cuts in Finland

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Beggars On Helsinki Streets
Many claim to have seen a big van bring them to their pitches and drop them off, and then the beggars set themselves up suitably at intervals of a couple of hundred metres from each other. For many, the sight of these beggars brings to mind the familiar organised - and even violent - gangs of beggars seen in the metropoles of Southern Europe, and they worry lest such a phenomenon might be taking root here in Finland.
National Crime Rate Rises Seven Percent
Crime is on the rise, according to preliminary statistics released by Statistics Finland. All in all, 624,000 crimes were reported to police from January to September, which is an increase of seven percent over the same period last year.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Finnish MP Faces Involuntary Manslaughter Charges in Court
Parliamentarian Kimmo Sasi appeared in court on Monday to face charges of involuntary manslaughter and dangerous driving following a motoring accident earlier this year.
Finnish MP Faces Charges Over ASEM Riot
Paavo Arhinmäki, a Member of Parliament of the Left Alliance Party, has been charged in Helsinki District Court over a clash during the Smash ASEM demonstration in Helsinki last autumn.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Finnish Police Chase of Rwandan Refugee Leads to Attempted Suicide
A Rwandan woman who had been hiding in the city of Lahti after being refused asylum has attempted suicide. She attempted to kill herself after police started searching for her hiding place in private accommodation.
The police were looking for the woman after the Directorate of Immigration refused to once again consider her application for refugee status.She has faced expulsion since last spring. She arrived in Finland in May, 2005 but her application for asylum was rejected.
The police were looking for the woman after the Directorate of Immigration refused to once again consider her application for refugee status.She has faced expulsion since last spring. She arrived in Finland in May, 2005 but her application for asylum was rejected.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Traffic Discipline Very Slack In Helsinki
Road accidents are on the increase in Helsinki, and in particular there are signs of deteriorating traffic discipline in the capital region. While the empirically observed number of violations is quite obviously on the increase, the authorities are concerned at the impunity with which people run red lights and exceed speed limits. There are calls for an extension of the zero tolerance policies applied recently on Highway 51 leading west from Helsinki.
Cash-Strapped Emergency Call Centres May Be Halved
Severe financial difficulties may force Finland's Emergency Response Centre to shut down half of its call centres, reports the newspaper Savon Sanomat.
Nearly 13,000 Finnish Nurses Ready For Mass Resignation
Finland Falls Behind Many Other Countries On Climate Issues
Finland has fallen far behind the other Nordic Countries in cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions. Finland ranks 36th on the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), putting it on a par with Algeria and Belarus. Sweden is at the top of the list, and Denmark is in third place."Finland has settled for a place in the back row", says Professor Jyri Seppälä of the Finnish Environment Indstitute.
Historian Heikki Ylikangas Challenges Finnish National Mythology
This is not a man who is afraid of being right - or of being alone. Last Tuesday, Heikki Ylikangas published the book Romahtaako rintama? ("Is the Front Collapsing?") whose basic thesis is that the Finns executed more of their own soldiers for desertion during the final phases of the continuation War than had been previously disclosed.
YLE Censors Muhammed-Cartoons Documentary
Finnish Teenagers Have Less Pocket Money Than Their Nordic Colleagues

Finnish PM And Self-Censorship In Finland

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